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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Waking Up To Reality And Seeing The World As It Really Is

If you aren't occupying anything yet, then you need to ask yourself, "Why not?" The reason that I say this is because we are now witnessing a period of awakening which allows evil doings to become more transparent.

When a person stumbles upon information that has been made transparent they become more awakened to what has really been going on while they were looking the other way.

The challenge that one must face when furthering their research is the discovery that something has definitely gone very wrong with the world that we are currently living in.

Some people may take the truth a lot harder than others, but those of us who can handle the truth want to see positive change, so that we can restore our countries to a time when there were no 'Too big to fail' banks or Corporations that are now running our countries into the ground.

The divide and conquer tactics being used by the 1% billionaires must be stopped, especially because there is no true right or left in politics. The reason for that is because the 1% billionaires are calling the shots no matter which candidate they have chosen to puppeteer in their favor instead of in the favor of the common people.

As a result of those 1% billionaires calling the shots the educational system is becoming nothing but a reform type school and has just about done away with critical thinking, creativity and recess. My WTH moment was when I read about a teacher who called the police when a six year old girl, in her classroom, kissed a boy to see if he liked her or not.

The 1% Billionaires are also making it nearly impossible for the common person to further his/her education because tuition continues to rise even though the economy is still imploding in the U.S., and around the world, due to the 1% Billionaires purposely manipulating the markets in their favor without caring about what happens to anyone who isn't one of them.

With that said, I hope that we can come together as one to rise above the police state oppression that the 1% Billionaires fund heavily for their own protection, and then we can start winning back our right to equality.

We must remain peacefully united, and we must demand accountability and justice, so that the 1% Billionaires and Corporations will be punished for the deliberate pain and suffering that they caused against the common man and woman, and also for causing the deaths of millions due to unnecessary wars.

I am including five videos for you to view.

I am also including two links for you to check out.

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