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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The TSA And The War On Terror

I felt the need to address this issue because flying in an airplane use to be cool until our right to privacy was taken away from us due to false flag events which caused people to passively accept dangerous and unacceptable TSA police state measures.

The introduction of naked x-ray scanners and the new enhanced full body searches that are being used on our children, grandparents, and ourselves has now become the down fall of our airports. If you are considered to be a frequent flyer then your exposure to the naked x-ray scanners will be doubled or tripled compared to someone who rarely flies.

With that said, we all need to ask ourselves why we are allowing these dangerous x-ray machines to remain in our airports. We also need to make sure that our children and the elderly are not treated like criminals by being subjected to enhanced full body searches.

The people who invent these type of things in the name of safety and freedom seem to run on a different brain frequency than most of the population and are known for starting things, like the war on terror, so that they can use police state tactics by instilling fear into the population, so that the people will blindly accept whatever solutions that they are given, whether or not those solutions are bad for our health and well being.

I need to ask those people who make up the rules as they go along, "What is freedom if people aren't allowed to board and airplane without being forced to put their health and well being at risk?"

I am not one to buy into the claim that there is a war on terror especially when the terror wouldn't be happening if not for the 1% Billionaires starting those wars with lies.

With that said, I can not believe that more sane people aren't speaking out about these drastic unsafe methods, or boycotting airports, or even protesting in masses against this type of mistreatment toward innocent people who use to think that flying was cool.

I am including five videos for you to view.

I am also including five links for you to check out.

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