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Monday, November 21, 2011

Sheriff's Finally Using Their Powers To Rise Up Against Federal Government

We are living during a time when there is too much government infiltrating the states of the U.S. and it has finally gotten the attention of many citizens and Sheriffs to cause them to take a stand against the Federal government which, in my opinion, should have happened sooner.

The Federal government has been involved in many shady dealings which need to be brought out into the open, so that more citizens and Sheriffs can begin to take back control of their own states.

The reason that I am showing my support for this movement is because of the way that the Federal government is allowed to swoop into our states and brazenly take land away from property owners without just cause.

I also think that it is just plain wrong for
the Feds to arrest owners and to seize the Medical Marijuana dispensaries after the vote has been passed to legalize Medical Marijuana in a State.

I am including two videos for you to view.

I am also including two links for you to check out.

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