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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Mind Control ... Could It Really Happen To You And Me?

I began my research for this topic because I am someone who demands the truth, and I don't mean the bullshit truth that we are constantly getting from paid shills, who are here to keep the people from learning all that the Elite on this Earth already know, as to why we are really here, and where we originated from.

The Elite like to be in control of the people on the Earth. Currently there is work being done to take more control of our brains with newer mind control technology. We already have TV, Cell phones, Internet, and video games as mind control devices, but now there is sound wave technology that enters our brains via sound wave frequencies which is then used to control our thoughts, so that we will continue to believe everything that they say, even though deep inside our sub consciences and our hearts we know they are only concerned about how much cheap labor they can get out of us before we get too old and die. And the kicker is that they still make money when we die because we are insured by them.

I know that there are some people who will have a hard time believing something like this could already be in motion, but it has been going on for many years and they won't stop until they are in complete control.

Knowledge is Enlightenment. Learn as much as you can about these controlling people who live a totally different lifestyle than we do because of them taking our hard earned money for themselves instead of using it toward infrastructure and the preservation of the Earth and all that lives upon it.

I am including five videos for you to view.

I am also including two links for you to view.

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