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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Billionaires Need To Start Helping The Poor Instead Of Treating them Like They Are A Lower Form Of Life

There comes a time when we need to start noticing that there are many people who are now suffering because they have suddenly been forced to live at the poverty level because of the current recession which was caused by the purposely manipulated collapse of the Housing Market.

Since the collapse happened it has become more apparent that egos and the lust for money (Greed) and false power has been the main contributing factor behind the slow economic recovery.

Now with that said, I urge anyone who is a billionaire, to look inside of their heart and to please let go of some of that cash and to start using it to help those in need, instead of wishing that poverty level people should die because you mistakenly believe that they are beneath you. We are all equal, so therefore, no one on Earth is beneath you.

The thing that you should be thinking about instead is that these people more than likely worked for a company that you or your billionaire family owns, and were laid off because of a decision to downsize, so that the billionaire's company wouldn't lose any more of its billion dollar profits, so that the CEOs could still be rewarded handsomely, even though the CEO's bad decisions caused the company to be put in that type of situation in the first place.

The other sad scenario that comes from too much greed is the starvation of poverty stricken countries. I use to say, "If I had billions of dollars no one would be allowed to starve to death." Now I say, "If we were allowed to live free and use the Earth's resources for free, as it was intended, then no one would be starving."

I also need to say this ... no matter how much the billionaires want to deny this, "The world was not suppose to be made up of rich and poor people. The world was suppose to be made up of loving peaceful people who look out for each others well being as well as their own, without taking anything from them in return."

What happened to that concept can easily be explained.

The reason that we are not equal is because of certain people who instead of wanting to share all of the resources with all of the people on the Earth, those certain people decided that they were more privileged than all of the other people, without blinking an eye, and those people became greedier and greedier because they saw an opportunity to make a profit from what the Earth had to offer equally to its people for their survival.

This back handed way of these greedy type people has caused shortages of the Earth's resources, so that there is now famines and droughts in places that never experienced that type of thing before. At this very moment they are trying to make it very difficult for family owned farms to be able to survive because they have started an evil made up company named MONSANTO, which they want us to believe has the right to claim ownership of any type of food that the farmers have been growing for decades.

And can you believe that the oil companies actually believe that they own the ocean and the land where they are sucking the oil out of the Earth? Preposterous isn't it? Think about it people ... don't you think that it is time for us to take back the land and the water and the farms, so that we can take care of our own health and welfare instead of allowing these greedy bastards to keep slowly killing us because they are delusional and think that we don't deserve to live?

I have a saying that you will be able to catch on to almost instantly which is, "If it weren't for all of the greedy people, who live on 'Our Earth', we would all be living in a peaceful and loving society." We would not hesitate to help our fellowman because we would all be equal and we would help them out because of the goodness of our heart and not because we are looking for ways to make a fast buck.

Because of the way that the current monetary system is set up (on purpose for manipulation and greed based ideology), there is no way that equality will be able to happen unless we the people force their monetary system to collapse.

If those billionaire families are not willing to help their fellowman with the money and resources that their greedy ancestors stole for themselves then I am afraid that the people will become more and more angry toward these thieving billionaires and will begin to take matters into their own hands, which I see already starting to happen, as I read my daily news headlines.

I am afraid that if life on Earth becomes more and more unbearable for the common man because of the Billionaires misguided attitudes toward their fellowman then those billionaires will end up fighting with their fellowman and their own demons and end up losing in life and death.

If the billionaires continue to believe the lie that their ancestors told them when they were born instead of seeing that their life is a lie that has to do with greediness and heartlessness toward their brothers and sisters of the Earth then all I have to say to you is, "Hell awaits you with open arms!!!"

I am including two videos for you to view.

The next video is very sad. What happened here could happen anywhere as long as we allow the greedy billionaires to continue claiming ownership to all that is meant to be free.

I am also including two links for you to check out.

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