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Friday, August 5, 2011

Let's Talk About What The FDA Is Really About ... Shall We?

Let me begin by asking this question, "Why do you think that the FDA was invented?" One would hope that it was invented for the right reasons, but according to info that I found while I was doing my research it seems like the FDA has gone by the wayside.

First of all I would like to bring to the table a discussion about why I believe that there may have been a possibility that the FDA could have been started for the right reasons in the beginning, but then something happened where somehow the FDA joined forces with the pharmaceutical manufactures, so that the non-pharmaceutical companies who are currently making vitamins that are affordable, will be forced to go out of business.

The FDA and the major Pharmaceutical manufactures are working together, so that the vitamin supplements can all be made into prescription form, which means that the affordable vitamins will no longer be affordable.

Now, you may be wondering why the FDA would be coerced into helping the Pharmaceutical company instead of doing their job and drawing a line where they will not cross for the sake of the people that they were invented to protect.

The probable reason why the big Pharma Lobbyist are paying off the FDA to take their side instead of the peoples side is because many of the drug patents are coming to an end which will mean a drop in profit for the Pharmaceutical manufactures.

How can the Pharmaceutical manufactureres get away with this type of underhanded kind of thing? Well, they think that they can because of a bogus law that was passed into law which is called Codex Alimentarius. Also, Pharmaceutical manufacturers and their leaders sit on the board of directors of the FDA which is a conflict of interest.

I am most upset about the Vitamin take over because I am lactose intolerant and I need to take Vitamin D supplements to remain healthy.

I urge everyone who believes that there is something wrong with the FDA and the Pharmaceutical manufactures being in bed with each other, with no regard to the fact that many people rely on affordable Vitamin supplements within their diets, to speak now or forever hold their tongues because time is of the essence to get your message across to them that you won't stand for it.

I am including six videos for you to view.

I am also including one link for you to check out.

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