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Thursday, July 28, 2011

George Carlton May Have Been A Comedian But He At Least Tried To Wake People Up

If we allow ourselves to constantly ignore what is really going on right in front of us then we deserve to lose everything that we worked hard to gain for ourselves.

George Carlton was a very smart man. He knew that our gov't had been infiltrated by the Wall Street Bankers and greedy Corporations and that we were heading done a path that would make it harder to survive unless you were born into a wealthy family that got their wealth by stealing from the people who got sucked into their 401k plans.

I am including this video for you to view. Hopefully it will help you to see that you are being played like a chump.

The obvious solutions to this big problem would be to stop using banks, and to stay away from the manipulated stock market. It can be done. I haven't used a bank in over 6 years.

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