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Monday, July 25, 2011

The FDA Should Be Removed From Power Because It No Longer Serves The People

There comes a time when certain government agencies should be dismantled or at least investigated for corruption before more people die from the same prescription drugs that the FDA blindly approved without enough proof that those drugs were safe to ingest.

If you are already aware of the dangers caused by taking pharmaceutical drugs then you're probably not a pill popper even when your own doctor prescribes them. When I was growing up I was lucky enough to be raised by a Mother who did not allow my siblings and I to become pill poppers.

The fact that at least 100,000 people die annually from properly taking their prescription drugs is enough to make you shiver inside. The lesson learned from this statement is to not let your blind faith in your doctor override your common sense because your doctor is a drug pusher for the pharmaceutical companies that the FDA hold hands with.

If you don't take care of your own health by eating fresh fruits and vegetables, and avoiding all processed foods, high fructose corn syrup, refined sugar, oats, grains, wheat, dairy products with growth hormones ... OMG this list is getting longer by the minute, but hopefully you get the point I am getting at here. Our food has been compromised by being genetically modified, cloned, and laced with growth hormones, which they are now trying to brainwash us into believing that there is no difference between milk that has growth hormones in it or milk that doesn't have it.

Well, I got news for you FDA jokers ... The difference is the growth hormones. Did you know that they think we are a bunch of stupid swine who are not thought of as people, but as animals with snouts, by the arrogant you know whats, who are suppose to be there to protect us!!!

I apologize for that mini rant, but damn it people, I have just about had it with the way that we are being treated. We are people just like they are and the only difference is that they somehow think that they are better than we are even though we are all people who live on this earth.

I am including four videos for you to view.

I am also including two links for you to check out.

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