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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Earth, The Sun, And The Story Of The Brown Dwarf Star

I decided to write about the possibility that something may be lurking around in outer space, and may also have entered into our solar system. They say that this Brown Dwarf Star doesn't have an orbital path, like the other planets, but instead, follows its own orbital path. There are also others, who say that the Brown Dwarf's gravitational pull is pulling on the Earth's magnetic field, which is causing the Earth to experience, many noticeable changes.
Now, before you decided to dismiss me, with thinking that I am writing about crazy untrue things, which are based on the Mayan prophecies, I assure you that I am not steering down that path, but instead this article is to steer you into a direction, which will help with your awareness, of the many changes that have been taking place, all around the world, since a 7.3 earthquake devastated parts of Haiti. This earth quake seems to have started the ball rolling, for more and more natural disasters to happen, almost back to back.
With that said, The Sun seems to be acting a little out of whack lately, because it has been throwing out solar flares, which so far, have luckily not been directed toward the Earth.
Others say that the Earth's orbit seems to be heading into an area in space, where it has a lot more space junk, and that it also seems to have a considerable amount of asteroids and meteors, which could cause more problems for the Earth, as time goes on.
With the recent sightings of meteorites coming into the Earth's atmosphere, as they burn brightly, it makes me wonder, if we are now heading toward a predicted Galactic Alignment.
The first video is based on the planet x theory, which doesn't necessarily express my own views. I, like you, unfortunately can not claim to know the real truth, about what is happening on the Earth, during this time frame, but when one takes the time to observe recent weather pattern changes, and Earth disruptions, which seem to be out of the ordinary, it is time to start doing your own research into, what may be causing these, more noticeable changes.

This next video captures a recent meteorite, which glowed brightly, when it came into the Earth's atmosphere, until it hit the ground.

This video is of the Iceland Volcano, which is still erupting at this time, and may end up causing another nearby Volcano to erupt, which could cause a mini ice age to occur.

Please feel free to leave a comment about, what you have learned with your own research, as to what may be the cause, of these sudden extreme disruptions, on the Earth.


  1. I have a theory about Nibiru and the brown dwarf. It stem from the belief that our solar system is part of a binary system. Nothing new in my idea except that I believe the Nibiru has an orbit between 3,200 to 3,250 years and I don't think it is has as eratic an orbit as some theories suggest. I believe it was responceable for: 1. The storey of the sun staying still during a trojan war battle in approx. 1,190 BC (dark ages) 3,200 years x 1 orbit 3,200 - 2010 = 1190 BC. 2. The Summarian accounts some 6,000 years ago 3,200 x 2 orbits = 6,400 years ago. 3. The Great Flood approx 9,600 to 9,750 BC. 3,200 x 3 orbits = 9,600, 3,250 x 3 orbits = 9,750 years ago. 4. The Younger Drius event approx. 13,000 years ago hence the extinction of most mega mammales 3,200 x 4 orbits = 12,800 3,250 x 4 orbits = 13,000 years 5. The last Great Ice Age Approx. 25,600 to 26,000 years ago 3,200 x 8 orbits = 25,600 3,250 x 8 orbits = 26,000 years. I can find no evedance for orbits 5, 6 or 7 probable because of the on going ice age. However I am now studying cave drawings and have found spirals and other things that could be considered cosmic events. Dateing of the drawings has not been prooven however. Nice post! NM156

  2. Many people have tried to debunk this theory,and the reason why, is probably because there are people, who believe that aliens live on planet x, and that they use to live on Earth. So, what better way to make planet x look foolish, or unbelievable than to link aliens to this planet x. Well people, planet x is not a planet. It is a brown dwarf star, according to my research.

  3. In Peru, an ancient city dating back 5000 years has been discovered recently. Caral, as this city is known, is located approximately 200 kilometers north of Lima, in a coastal valley, at the foot of the Andes. This archeological site has endured unscathed perhaps two visits by Nibiru, but certainly one! It survived changes on the earth due to this presence. Weather tidal, volcanic or tectonic, these changes were not enough to terminate life on this Peruvian coastal city, due to this new cosmic presence. I believe this provides an indication we will survive another visit by Marduk, The Destroyer!
