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Monday, April 12, 2010

Tungsten Filled Gold Bars

I recently came across some disturbing news, which will only be bad news, for those people, who bought Gold EFT's.
If you invested in Gold through an EFT, how can you know for sure if the Gold is really there in a physical form?
As long as you read the prospectus, with a keen eye, and make sure that the EFT doesn't only rely on derivatives, as the actual Gold reserve, then you probably won't need to be as worried, but with that said, there are reports, which imply that Tungsten filled Gold bars have already been discovered, and that there may be more of it out there, than there is actual Gold.
I am including more than one video for you to view, so that you can hear about this from others, who have a better understanding of the implications, of how this will have a negative effect on an investors portfolio.

This next video discusses why you should only invest in Gold Bouillon.

If you care to read more about this important information, I have included these links for you to check out.

As always, feel free to leave me a comment. Even if you aren't invested in Gold EFT's, this will someday affect the way that our money flows in the future.


  1. Lots of IRA accounts have switched to gold and it is always stored in some far away vault.

    GFL with that.

  2. It saddens me that many Americans, who thought that they were investing in something tangible like Gold, will be swindled out of their hard earned cash, because they were duped by something made up by the bankers, called Derivatives.
    If you don't own physical gold, which means that you already have it in your possession, chances are you actually own Tungsten Gold, which is worth very little, compared to real Gold.

  3. you mean to tell me that my gold toofus might not be gold wah!
