When I first heard the news about a terrorist, with bomb material, on an airplane, I was not surprised.
The reason that I wasn't surprised, is because I had come across an article, or two, which touched on this very subject (sort of). The articles talked about a possible false flag terrorist attack in the month of December 2009, which would be implemented around the holiday. Well, with this bomb threat happening on December 25th, 2009, I would say that the people, who wrote these articles, may have had some inside information, which the general public wasn't privy to, and they were trying to give the general public a warning.
Now, with that said, we are now going through the process of having more of our personal rights invaded at the airports, with the installation of 150 Full Body Virtual Nude X-ray scanners, coming to an airport near you in the near future, which will be paid for by the American tax payers, to the tune of $170,000 for each body scanner. $170,000 X 150=$25,500,000, if my calculation is correct.
Another issue that I have with these scanners is that I am wondering how safe these x-ray machines will be for the Frequent fliers. How will those scanners affect their health, in the long run?
These x-ray scanners, which strip away your clothing and show an image of your virtual naked body to the person who is scanning you, is an invasion of your personal privacy, regardless of whether or not the image looks exactly like your nude body.
The fact is that Amsterdam was flat footed with their own airport security, which allowed Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, to board flight 253, with bomb material hidden in his underwear.
I included an image for you to view, so that you can see what a person's scanned body image will look like, to the person who is scanning your body.
The question is, "Are you okay with a stranger looking at your naked scanned image, or not?" If you are okay with that, then I say Fine, but then my next question to you is, "When will you start to object?"
The full body scanner does not detect anything that has been hidden in the body internally, so the next security measure would then be to do a full body cavity search. So then my next question is, "Will you be okay with having to get a full body cavity search before you will be allowed to board the plane?" For me that would definitely not be okay, and I am also against the Full Body Scanners. I refuse to let fear control my judgment.
The reason that the U.S. is getting more and more terror threats is because of the U.S. having Soldiers and Military bases over in the middle east. There are pictures floating on the net, which shows you what other things have been going on over there, which doesn't seem to have anything to do with 911.
I am hoping that more and more U.S. citizens will become more aware, and wake up, to the real truth, and refuse to be treated like a criminal, especially if you aren't a real threat to security, in the first place. Don't go blindly into the night, instead you must open your eyes to see the light.
The video, which I included, discusses how certain security measures should have been implemented back in 2006, when an investigation had been done involving airport security on foreign soil.
Do you think that more should be done abroad, or should the U.S. airports add more security measures?
You know i really dont want some 1 peekin at my sak but..... there are alternate means of travel.
ReplyDeletenot just flying, you can take a boat or swim(lol).
seriously though it's for the safety of every one including the country's these supposid terrorist come from but everybody keeps leaving out that the body scanners are for HOT SPOTS and HOT PEEPS NOT EVERYONE, what i read was they were more for people who come from area's that are determind to be affiliated with terrorist activity and suspected affiliates of terrorist groups not for joe shmo flying from San Francisco to Los Angles. I agree it's definatly shitty but if you wanna fly then you have to sacrifice a little, good thing there not like the scanners in "TOTAL RECALL" those are hard core, and if my asshole aint safe for flying then we don't fly "i don't do anal" good post lisakitty ( dank1)
The fact that his own father gave a warning to the people in charge, that his son was becoming more radical, should have put up a red flag, which should have then lead to his name being put on the no fly list. Therefore, he would not have been able to fly, which then would eliminate the full body virtual naked scanners, which will probably be proven to cause cancer, in the near future.
ReplyDeleteYou know i really dont want some 1 peekin at my sak but..... there are alternate means of travel.cheap Gatwick Parking
ReplyDeleteThe full body scanner does not detect anything that has been hidden in the body internally, so the next security measure would then be to do a full body cavity search. Exactly. Well debated content. True these scanners are causing cancers that is why there are not allowed in Europe. Thanks for raising voice!
ReplyDeletei wonder how the human can out on danger just for the sake of scanning, they have been banned in many countries. things need to re-defined where there remain complete security without paying no harm to human lives.Car parking Heathrow
ReplyDeleteIts really infectious to human health and annoying too because it also hits personal rights. They are banned in many countries but each country has its own set of rules but for traveling we need to bear it . Apart from health other security measures are also needed like secure car park . Therefore gatwick meet and greet
ReplyDeletehelps the travelers at their satisfactory level.
I agree. Its definitely dangerous and if full body scanners did not scan anything properly then it should be banned as they proved to produce body cancers . Well hope they will soon consider this matter . The precautionary measures must be applied overall during travels. and the one is secure car park. If so then hit to gatwick parking south terminal