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Sunday, December 23, 2012

12-22-12 The Age Of Aquarius

If you were someone who was in fear of the date 12-21-12 because of disaster movies about what would happen on that date, you can now stop being afraid because, as you can obviously see, it was put into your mind via a bunch of Hollywood fear based fantasy movies, and the main stream media, oh and let's not forget the History Channel's disaster marathon that it had on a week before the, so called 'End of the World' date, and now that you see these things for what they really are there is no reason to be in fear anymore because we are heading for a new age, which is known as 'The Age of Aquarius', and Love, Peace, and Harmony will now begin replace all negativity.

On a side note for those of you out there who remember a song that made its debut in March of 1969, and was performed by The 5th dimension and was called 'Aquarius/Let The Sunshine In, I think that they were way ahead of schedule with that song, don't you? I am including the video for you to listen to which I am sure will make you go hmmmm ... when you listen to the words.

Instead of believing in the constant fear based illusions that are constantly put out there I am more inclined to believe that the world moves to the tune of a cyclic type of thing which some would say, "whatever" to, but since I have always had an open mind, even though I have never been able to meditate to the point of connecting with my higher self, so to speak, possibly due to my spine being out of whack due to a bad fall because of a leaky floor cleaning machine that someone else had used, which landed me flat on my back, when I was in my late 20's.

I would like to add this for anyone who may be wondering, I did not sue for my injury and I don't collect disability. I feel very strongly that our courts have been abused and misused by greedy lawyers who are looking to make themselves a fast buck, even though many of those cases are not as bad as they appear to be, and many of the people who chose to sue for their own negligence, in certain situations, which basically comes down to them not being very aware of their surroundings, and that they were also oblivious to possible dangers that may have been lurking about at the time that they were injured. If you are put off by my opinion, with this statement, I will not be offended in anyway, because I was one who was oblivious to the danger that was lurking in my path which caused me to receive my spine injury.

The video that I am including for you to view will more than likely enlighten many people who prefer the feeling of love and peace, instead of the feeling of fear and hate, but I am hopeful that those of you, who are still in the fear and hate mode, will be able to open your mind enough to see that you still can feel good about your life no matter what bad stuff gets thrown toward it.

For example; When you find yourself in a situation where someone is disagreeing with your opinion and the only way that they think they can get their opinion to matter more than yours is to start shouting really loud at you, then the best thing for you to do would be to say to that person, "Okay ______ , as of now this discussion of our opinions is over until you can bring your voice down to a normal level, so that we can agree to disagree in a peaceful manner." And then walk away from that person.

We are all one. We are all born with free will. We are not suppose to be work slaves for the big Corporations or whatever you are expected to do for work as a slave, in order to be able to survive in a world that has been engineered,  so that we are forced to rely on a monetary system that is rolling off the tracks faster than it can be stopped.

I am choosing to live in a world with Love, Peace, and Harmony. I am not going to allow fear into my conscience. I am radiating a happy glow that I know is spreading to those who I come into contact with on a daily basis. It starts with a smile and a happy greeting to the people that I see when I am at work, and when I am out in public, but I no longer let it end there because now when I return home and I am spending precious time with my loved ones I continue radiating love and peacefulness, so that they will also feel better.

A friendly smile goes a long way, especially when someone wasn't in a good mood before they came into contact with you. I have tested this and it works more often than not as a way to lift that person's spirit up while they are in your presence, which then carries on toward the next person that they come in to contact with, and so on and so forth.

I hope that you will soon become enlightened, within your own conscience, so that you also will be able to see the world through loving eyes, and not through fearful eyes. The change will be a positive one, if you choose to do this, and it will only get better from that point forward.

I am including two videos for you to view.

I am also including two links for you to check out.

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