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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Face Book And The CIA Connection

What if you were to find out that your favorite Social Networking site is actually run by the CIA, would you still want to be a member of that site?

Yeah I know that one could argue that they have nothing to hide, but is that really your excuse for sharing all of your personal information, and especially where you have been and where you are going, to a government agency on a daily basis? I think not.

I urge you to take the time to watch the video that I have provided for you to view, so that you will hopefully make the right decision for yourself to delete your Face book account, so that you can regain your personal right to privacy, and to not be a blind victim of too much government in your life, which hopes to find you guilty of dissident actions, even if it was not your intention to do so.

I am also including a video to show you how to delete your Face Book account.

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