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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Are You Prepared For Another Economic Collapse In 2012?

The many devastating economic things that we have witnessed during 2011 will be nothing compared to what we will see happening in 2012.

Let me begin by saying that unless people stop letting themselves be distracted by their video games and Television sets they will be like a deer in a car's headlights when all things financially finally comes down for a crash landing regardless of the many bailouts and the promise of more jobs.

In reality, there have only been a handful of tangible jobs available for millions of people who have lost their jobs since the start of the economic collapse that began in 2007.

Anyone who is aware can see that there hasn't been enough progress being made due to the down sizing of corporate owned companies that would rather send those new jobs overseas for practically free labor compared to paying a real living wage here in America.

Also to add fuel to an already shaky U.S. economy is the fact that many more jobs will be lost due to disappointing sales during this past holiday season.

Inflation rates are rising due to the constant printing of money, so that it appears like the U.S. is recovering from the recession, when in reality, payrolls are remaining flat.

Even with the minimum wage increase, which will go into affect in January 2012, the workers wage remains below the inflationary rate.

Many more families will be feeling their budgets getting squeezed, when before the financial collapse they were feeling like they were secure in their jobs, and they were able to accrue a reasonable savings toward their children's college funds. Now those same people are forced to cut back on their spending in order to achieve the same amount of savings, before inflation kicked in.

With that said, there is a definite doomsday scenario that will happen in 2012, but it is not the end of the world prediction that many believe is what the Mayan Indians calendar suggests.

I am presenting to you, as my readers, a heads up on what is heading our way in 2012, which I hope that you will take seriously, because the Elite already have some kind of plan in place for us.

The Elite already know that we are going to suffer dearly financially, and that there is no way to fix it, unless they let everything financially collapse and begin to start from scratch again.

With the recent passing of a new law that will allow our military to arrest American citizens on American soil if they are labeled a terrorist, even if they aren't really a terrorist, but are against how the government is handling our economic crisis, none of us will be safe from this new law.

With that said, we must all stand together as one, and have this law repealed as soon as possible, before our family and friends begin to disappear in the middle of the night, while we are asleep.

One last thing that I need to mention is that we should not rely on our social networks because they will be the next target by those who aim to silence our freedom of speech, due to an Internet Censorship Bill that is floating around in Congress, which those who support it hope to pass it in 2012.

I am including seven videos for you to view.

I am also including three links for you to check out.

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