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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The 1% Billionaire Monetary Influence And The Militarized Police State

If not for the Occupy protests would we have known that the 1% Billionaires are pouring money into our police departments at a level which changes the way that our police officers react toward peaceful protesters, instead of protecting them from the 1% Billionaires monetary crimes against humanity? I think not.

The police department was put into place to protect and serve the citizens in their jurisdiction, but now it is something totally opposite of that. Now the police department has a hidden agenda along with the rest of the judicial system, which is to make as much revenue as they possibly can for the community in which they are employed in. In order to do that they need to arrest more and more people (innocent or not), so that they will receive kick backs from the Federal government.

When we allow ourselves to get caught up in the constant distractions and corporate owned media fluff news we tend to forget that the people behind the scenes are working diligently toward an evil agenda which will permit the Billionaire influenced police departments to arrest peaceful protesting people who don't agree with the 1% Billionaires plan to bleed the common people dry, which now also includes doing the same to the middle and upper class.

If we dare not to speak out against the 1% Billionaires out of fear then we are continuing to allow them to fleece us until we end up with nothing left because of their endless greedy ways, then we should not be surprised when we end up jobless, broke, or homeless.

The fact that the peaceful Occupy protesters are now officially classified as terrorists along side with Al-Quada is just so outrageous it seems almost laughable to a sane person. Apparently there aren't very many sane Billionaires left out there to know that this is not the way to treat the common people who keep them 'In the money'.

I am also concerned for the future generations who may end up in community controlled environments with no rights and armed guards watching over them, as long as we continue to allow the 1% Billionaires to continue influencing police departments, who are suppose to be protecting us from the corrupt 1% Billionaires.

I am including two videos for your to view.

I am also including two links for you to check out.

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