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Monday, September 26, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Protest Still Going Strong ... 10 Days And Counting :)

There comes a time in everyone's life when they suddenly become awakened to the fact that they have lost their freedoms, kind of like a (when did that happen?) moment.

It takes a little while for this thought to finally sink in because we have been lied to for a very long time.

It is sad that many people, who are not billionaires, still think that they can have the American dream, even after the economy collapsed, and is still collapsing, because there is still a crap load of foreclosures to be dealt with.

The Subprime loan scam was the cause of the housing collapse because the Federal Reserve (Rothschild) privately owned bank, Goldman Sachs, and JP Morgan all had their hands in it.

This protest is what is needed to put the hammer down on the Billionaire Wall Street bankers greed and manipulation of the Stock Market, which has trickled down nothing more than crumbs to the 99%.

If you can only donate by sending money orders, or if you want to send a care package to our brave protesters, who are there protesting for all of the 99%, this is the official address, so that you can send your much needed donations for the protesters, as the protest numbers increase.


The UPS Store
Re: Occupy Wall Street
118A Fulton St. #205
New York, NY 10038
Money orders only please, cannot cash checks yet. Non-perishable goods only. We can accept packages of any size. We're currently low on food.

If you need to get directions to join this protest on the ground you can call this phone number.

Help & Directions: +1 (877) 881-3020

If you haven't already checked out the live feed for this important historical protest I will provide the link for you again, so that you don't need to scroll down to look for it on this site. This live feed is the only REAL news coverage for the Occupy Wall Street protest.

The corporate owned main stream media is barely giving this protest the time of day unless there is a bunch of our protesters getting unlawfully arrested by the NYPD, who are a part of the 99%.

My hope is that the NYPD will wake up to their handlers lies and throw down their badges and join the peaceful protesters in unity, so that they won't lose their pensions and benefits because of more government budget cuts.

I call out to all the Police men and women to join us with our fight for money equality. You are all part of the 99%. You are not safe from the greed of the 1% Billionaires. They are stealing from your savings, 401k accounts, Social Security funds, and soon your pensions.

We love all of the 99% including our brave police officers. With that said, we hope that they will stop protecting those billionaires, who will never stop stealing from the 99% because their greed can never be satisfied.

Live feed protest link:

Watch live streaming video from occupynyc at

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