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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

New Info For Occupy Wall Street Protest ... Day 11

We have now made it to the 11th day. We are still staying strong and we are winning.

We had Michael Moore there who showed his support for our efforts to bring monetary fairness to the 99%.

Susan Sarandon also made an appearance and promised to return to Liberty Park (Zuccotti) when she flies back from Italy.

Immortal Technique also showed up and showed his support. You may have seen his rap video being streamed on live leak, while our live feed was down.

There was an incident which involved an NYPD officer named Anthony Bologna where he started pepper spraying girl protesters for no reason other than to cause a ruckus of some sort.

Officer Bologna will be prosecuted for this unlawful pepper spraying incident. We also have access to his personal info, which has already been spread around the internet, for all to see.

There are more and more people showing up in NYC everyday to support our protest. We are here for all of you, who are not billionaires. We are tired of being given only crumbs to survive in a world which has been manipulated, so that only the 1% billionaires can remain rich.

I am including a link for you to go to where you can find more live leak protests, around the country and around the world,
including the protest in NYC. There is also more info and pics for you to see of the on going protest.

Here is the link for you to check out and book mark, so that you can join me in the conversation, about the Occupy Wall Street protest. We will be here for a while ...

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