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Monday, August 15, 2011

What Is NASA's 'Blue Beam Project' And Why Should You Be Concerned?

When I first discovered NASA's 'blue beam Project' it was a concept which could be used to entertain the people of the earth with a holographic laser show.

At that time of discovery I took that information with a grain of salt, meaning that I was thinking, "good luck with that idea", because I felt that it was a little far fetched for it to actually work effectively.

Through the passage of time and with deeper research about NASA's 'Blue Beam Project' I have now moved beyond the 'far fetched idea' phase toward the 'it could be an effective possibility in the near future' phase.

The fact that NASA had recently put its Space Shuttle program on ice tells us that they want to focus more of our tax dollars toward a different type of program/project which more than likely is the 'Blue Beam Project.'

Not to long ago there had been strange spiral like sightings in the sky, possibly because parts of the 'Blue Beam Project' were being tested for effectiveness. The sky was dark which could mean that this type of projection could be seen clearer and from further distances.

It is now being talked about that this type of technology is being produced, so that the Holographic laser images can be displayed as a god like image and will be displayed like a religious figure has returned to Earth which would mean for Christians to be the time of Rapture.

I know that sounds like something that would be hard to believe for some of you, but for others who know that there is documented proof that there has always been an element of control over unsuspecting people. The plan for depopulation is already in motion with the support of
Bill Gates a well known Billionaire.

For those of us who aren't Christians there is another plan in progress which involves the disclosure of aliens and an alien invasion which will be faked with the use of secret military flying disks in order to create the illusion that hostile aliens have finally arrived to take over the Earth and will kill many people in the process, while others will be taken to harvest their organs. The only thing that I can say about this is that as long as we do not allow ourselves to be caught up in the big lie we should be able to survive by not letting ourselves to be captured by whom ever it is that is flying those military space ships.

I can feel a change in the air, are you starting to feel it too? The reason that I say this is because there is something very noticeable going on within the governments of the world. The corruption and greed that has been causing many hidden secrets to be exposed to the public with the help of concerned citizens and an entity called Anonymous is now backing the Elite into a corner.

You have also been made aware that many Greedy corporations, Wall Street fat cat investors, and certain banks are being knocked down a peg or two because there is no way out of the financial mess that they have gotten themselves into.

The negative exposure for all to see has shown us just how badly we have been getting robbed by those entities because of the way that the Wall Street bankers have been manipulating the stock market with computers. Many who had stocks in 401ks are now losing more and more money every day that there is another dismal out look on the economies around the world.

This is one of the reasons why the 'Blue Beam Project' will be implemented. It will cause you to forget about the manipulation of the stock market and the corruption within the governments which has been taken over by a handful of Billionaires due to the fact that corporate bribery, better known as lobbying has been allowed to go on because of the many greedy politicians who have been allowed to keep running for office no matter how long they have already served in it as long as they keep getting elected for that position.

With that said, there are some, not all, who use False Flag Events such as the World Trade Center 9/11 tragedy which was done to cover up the fact that large amounts of money was stolen and redirected toward the Super rich, as usual.

How will the 'Blue Beam Project' be allowed to happen? The answer is quite simply is, when the Elite have a plan they warn us about it either with movies or with allowing some of the information to escape by way of certain people who have inside knowledge about certain projects.

I am aware that some of you may be thinking that this 'Blue Beam Project' sounds like science fiction rather than reality, but if you are willing to let yourself travel further down the 'Rabbit Hole' like former governor Jesse Ventura allowed himself to do, then you will be that much wiser to what the Elite have planned for your demise.

You will find that if you allow yourself to trust your gut feelings (intuition) then you will be better prepared to handle anything that they try to throw at you because you will begin to regain control of your life, so that they won't be able to succeed with their evil plan to stay in control of your life.

Finally before I go, I need to say something that resonates well with my inner soul which is, 'We are all Spiritual Beings having a human experience.' Nothing more, Nothing less. If you are a person who continues to allow yourself to believe in anything that the (so called) authority tells you on the TV and the internet then there is nothing that I can say or do to awaken you to the truth that is there for all of you to find when you are ready to find it like I was when I started my enlightening journey toward the truth of our existence.

I have made peace with my past self and I am currently doing what I was meant to do while I am here on Earth. If you allow yourself the time to look deep within your soul you will then be able to listen to your inner voice which will allow you to make positive changes in your life and to become more enlightened with each new discovery that you make.

I am including five videos for you to view.

I am also including three links for you to check out.

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