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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Purposeful Destruction Of Mother Earth

If the Army Corp Of Engineers continue to purposely flood areas where there are Nuclear Power Plants, it will cause them to either become more dangerous or totally useless. Could it be that this is being done so that there will be an up tick in Coal mining or fracking for natural gas, so that free energy can once again be put on the back burner?

It never ceases to amaze me when it comes to how much damage the people in charge are willing to do to our precious planet in order for them to gain big profits, instead of doing what is best for the planet to insure that we will not be poisoned by the results of their bad decisions.

Everyday when we wake up in the morning we are beginning to realize that something just isn't right, and that it seems like we are being put on some kind of crazy biblical roller coaster ride, but in this case it isn't because the almighty creator is involved with the constant destruction of mother earth. It is instead being done by the people in charge, who are trying to get unaware people to believe that an apocalyptic scenario is happening now.

I am afraid that if things keep going toward this dismal direction then there will be no going back to living a safe and healthy life, but instead we will indeed be heading for the end of life on earth, as we know it now.

Hopefully I will be wrong about this one, but lately I have been coming across one too many articles which all seem to tie together with certain agendas, the latest one being Agenda 21. You might want to research that agenda, for your own safety to help to protect yourselves from the people in charge.

I am including two videos for you to view.

I am also including two links for you to check out.

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