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Monday, January 25, 2010

We Want Peace Not War

I fear that we are rapidly heading toward world war III, and fast, because the war on terror is a never ending war. This type of war can never be won. The only entity's, who benefit from wars are the bankers, who are in charge of the Federal Reserve, which the government borrows money from, to finance the wars (yes, I said wars), in the middle east.
If the truth would be allowed to be told, instead of the lies, then I am sure that more people would be protesting these unnecessary wars, and a lot less people would be signing up to join the military. The truth is the military is fighting a profiteering war, it is not about fighting for our freedom, which has already been lost, because of Ex President Bush's Patriot Act Law, which President Obama re-signed into law, when it was about to expire. If you have ever looked at what is in the Patriot Act, you would probably agree that there is nothing remotely patriotic, about the Patriot Act, but isn't the name of it very misleading then? I would say so.
I have always been for Peace, because we are all people. We all Breathe, Eat, Drink, and extract our human waste products. We all have a brain, a heart, skin, hands to hold, eyes to see, ears to hear, lips to smile with, and many other similar qualities. Even though we don't have the same appearance, unless you have a twin, we are still the same, on the inside.
People, please lend me your ears, and listen to my words. We must continue waking up the sleeping people, who are still around us, and then we can amp up our voices and tell these profiteering warmongering government officials, to put a stop to these deadly wars that are killing innocent people, whether it be an innocent man, woman, or child, from that country, or your son or daughter, or your brother or sister. The death toll numbers are growing by the day.
America is becoming the most hated country in the world. America is known as the Occupying country. Wouldn't you fight to protect your country if another country decided to occupy it? Wouldn't you be angry if an unmanned drone killed your family members? If your answer is yes, then you do understand how the people in the middle east are feeling right now about Americans, even though we have no power over our own government to change it for the better, like most of us want to do.
The video that I chose, for this topic, is set to the Guns N Roses song 'Civil War'. This is a must see video.


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