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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Why Should We Be Concerned About The New Radiation Threat?

For those of you who don't fully understand what the real threat of radiation particles is, allow me to take you through this explanation as gently as I can.

I will begin by telling you that any amount of radiation particles is NOT good for your health no matter what people on the main stream media try to get you to believe.

What?? This can't be true, or why would the doctors put radiation into a person's body to try to get rid of cancer? Well, the answer to this might surprise you.

The reason that this type of radiation isn't as harmful to you, as the radiation particles that are spewing from the Japanese Nuclear Power Plants, is because the amount of radiation that a doctor injects into a person is a radioactive substance with a low half life, which means that it takes less time for half of the atoms to decay, where as the dangerous levels of radiation particles that are leaking from the Japan Nuclear Power Plants can not be contained, which then allows the radiation particles to flow with the wind, which enables these particles to flow and land on anything that is in it's projected path.

What this comes down to is that if you ingest anything that may have been compromised by radiation particles, you will become very ill and you will begin to vomit and then have bad diarrhea, which kind of sounds like a stomach flu, but will be much much worse.

Plutonium particles will become lodged into a persons lungs, when a person unknowingly breaths them in, which then kill the cells and will cause scarring and an increased potential for lung disease and cancer, but here is the real kicker ... these particles can also enter into a person's blood stream and travel toward their kidneys, which will eventually shut them down.

I will be including a link at the end of this post for those of you who would like to learn more about how these radioactive particles will eventually affect your health.

I am including two videos for you to view. One of these videos can be viewed on you tube with the link that I have provided for you.

I am also including these links:

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