When you take the time to look around at your neighbors you will soon begin to realize that they are being forced to live like they are no longer able to maintain their middle class lifestyle.
The fact that more and more people are losing their jobs everyday is only part of the problem, which is causing middle class people to dig into their hard earned savings.
The saddest thing about the middle class being forced to live like poor people is that the people and corporations that make millions and billions of dollars off the backs of the middle class, are constantly looking for new ways to fleece the middle class earners, whose wages seem to be stuck in a rut with no raise in site, while the food and gas prices continue to rise because of all of those bailouts, forced out of the tax payers pockets.
There is only one solution, short of major protests, which may need to intensify to get them to sit up and take notice that we have had enough, is to write letters to your state representatives and remind them that they work for us, and that if the job cuts and job losses continue, they will need to come up with better solutions, and stop voting against workers rights, so that those working people won't end up becoming poor enough to lose their homes.
We all must rise above the current situations and work toward better solutions that doesn't involve greedy corporations and billionaires, who only want to keep taking more and more, from the hard working middle class.
I am including this video for you to check out because this man is a believer in what use to make America great.
If we allow this to continue this video shows what will happen to American workers when they lose more of their rights.
If you still believe that the GOP are on your side then you must be an owner of a corporation or an elite billionaire!!!
If you think about it, the people who are backing and greasing the pockets of the GOP, who are trying to eliminate unions and collective bargaining rights, are the Koch brothers, who are .... wait for it .... BILLIONAIRES!!!
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