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Friday, March 11, 2011

(Finally) Awakening From The Grand Illusion

When we are born into this world we cry loudly because we were previously living peacefully, within our mother's womb, then suddenly we are forced to be born into a world which isn't very peaceful at all.

As we grow older we are conditioned to follow along with the rest of the people who have already been conditioned by the media,T.V. shows, and commercials.

However, as of now there is good news because there is recent evidence that more and more people are finally starting to wake up and are seeing things for what they really are. They are finally awakening from the grand illusion of our conditioned lives.

I am including two videos for you to view, which will open your eyes, even more, to the truth behind the illusion that we call life.

No matter whether or not the reason to protest doesn't directly affect your current life style, you should still show your support for the rights of your fellow man, because if not, we will all be sitting ducks, and our kids and grand kids will begin to suffer tremendously in the near future.

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