I realize that this is a touchy subject, among people, who still have no clue as to what is really going on behind the scenes, within the government, but I decided to take my chances.
The reason that I chose this title is because I, and many others, have already been awakened to the truth, when it comes to the smoke and mirror tricks, which our government has been using for years and years.
There are many negative things, which have already been done that has already been affecting our personal freedoms. Some of these things started as far back as when former President Reagan was in office, I kid you not.
Before I go any further, and risk sounding like a conspiracy nut, I need to mention that, whether a democrat or a republican is elected to be President, the end result will always be the same. The voting process is another example of smoke and mirrors. There is only one political party, which is controlled by a handful of people, who basically keep the new President in line, with what their hidden agenda is, which of course, will do nothing for the people, who are governed by their system. So, no matter what your chosen candidate promises that he or she will do for you, once they are elected, if it doesn't fit into the hidden agenda of those said men, who are really in charge, then it is ignored.
With that said, I am confidant that most of the people, who are slow to catch on, are now beginning to look through the smoke and mirrors, and are now becoming more and more awakened.
We need to work toward a better future, by giving our 'so called' government representatives, a wake up call of their own. If they aren't going to do what is best for the people, instead of what is best for the lobbying corporati, then we need to rise up and be heard, and let them know that if they continue on this path of corruption and destruction of our country, they will be dismissed!!
The millions of jobless Americans are hurting badly, forced to live in their car, or in a pup tent, or if they are lucky, in a camper, while the big banks and wall street are making millions off of the people, and the peoples tax monies. OUTRAGEOUS, I know.
When the government had the chance to make it right, for these millions of people, who were headed for foreclosure because of job losses and interest rates rising, before they were forced to be homeless, the government decided to bail out the banks instead, which before the bubble burst made the decision to gamble away those mortgages to foreign countries. Things like that just make me feel, so emotionally angry and sad, at the same time, because when you stop to take a look around, nothing has changed for the better, as a matter of fact, it has gotten worse. The banks are now paying back the bail outs, and they did nothing to make it better for anyone, who doesn't own a bank.
If there is any kind of hope for the citizens of the USA, to be able to live comfortably again, without having to worry about how they are going to pay their bills, when their jobs have been, and still are, being terminated because of the many bubbles that are bursting all around us, which were partly caused by deregulation and the greediness of investors, who do nothing for our country, but fleece and loot the people, who are being told on a stock market channel that it is a good time to BUY, BUY, BUY, even though we are now heading into a depression, which will be many times worse than the depression of 1929.
Still don't believe it? I hope not, because you are holding on to their false economy bubble, which is crumbling faster than they can repair it.
Our country use to be cool, but something happened to the coolness of being an American. When greed is allowed to happen, within a government, the country becomes one big ponsi scheme. Vacuuming up the peoples tax money, to be used for bail outs for fat cat bankers, and wall street speculators. We are sad .... very sad .... Tears are not enough to stop this madness, but wait, we are not alone. The poorer countries are being starved out, instead of helped. Starving people because of a carbon tax, which they can't afford, is much, much worse than what the middle class has endured so far, but don't worry, the government won't stop with bleeding us dry, we will end up starving too, so that our young will be forced into joining the military, purely because they can't find a decent job here in America, only to fight in oil wars, and to build more US military bases on foreign land, which the people who live there, are totally against.
I have included three videos for you to view. One of them is long, but is still worth watching, because it will help to open many doors for you.
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