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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Welcome To The Goldman Sach's Grand illusion

When I came across this information, I was totally appalled. The fact that Goldman Sachs has been able to report higher than usual profits, even though we are still living in a recession/depression, should be enough to make people angry. Although, as far as I know, they have paid back 10 Billion of it.

The TARP money was just part of a series of bailouts and concessions that allowed Goldman Sachs to prosper at the expense of a flawed regulatory system, and at the expense of the taxpayers. But despite all that they are still planning on giving out big bonuses to their CEO'S, before the end of this year. They have learned nothing!

Another thing that is happening because of a new bill known as HR 1207, which just passed in congress on Nov. 19th, with a vote of 43-26,
will force the Federal Reserve Privatized Bank to finally be audited.

However, with that law now in place, the Fed is asking stress-tested banks to start repaying the TARP funds back to them. The banks that still owe TARP money are: Bank Of America, PNC, Citigroup Inc., Fifth Third Bancorp, GMAC Inc., Key Corp, Sun Trust Banks Inc., and Wells Fargo & Co.

The videos, which I included, will hopefully help to shed some light on how Goldman Sachs is still in business. If one of us would have made a profit like this, we would have been incarcerated, with Bernie Maddoff !!!

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