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Saturday, October 17, 2009

A Million Jobless People Want To Know, Where Are Those New Stimulus Jobs At?

I have a pet peeve, when it comes to the main stream media, which is when they print a headline that says, "Jobless rate increases higher than expected." What I want to know is, "What did they (the media), expect that it would do, when there are more people out of jobs, than there are available jobs, for those millions of people, who are still trying to find jobs, even after almost a years time of being unemployed?"
The state of Florida received $14.2 billion in job stimulus money, and they only used $4 billion of it, to go toward state run jobs. One of the reasons being that the state is saving half of its educational money for the 2010-11 school year. Also there should be more construction jobs in 2011, as highway and bridge projects get started. Of course those jobs don't count, because they aren't here yet.
With that said, I would like to point out, that according to many economic experts, the recession is far from over, and there is a good possibility that we are heading toward a depression, so how can it be that the people in charge, and the people in the media, keep trying to get us to believe, that the recession is starting to recover? Are they really that far out of touch with main street? Sorry to be the one to burst their bubble, but I won't stand back and say nothing, when it is obvious, that they just aren't being very truthful with us, but if they aren't really out of touch, then why aren't they trying to help us instead of the bankers and wall street? Oh that is an easy answer, because they have the best lobbyists, paying out big bucks to keep them in business.
I have a big favor to ask of my loyal readers, which is to try to be more aware of your surroundings and with what is really going on around you. Open your eyes and see, it is right in front of us, and it is starting to make a lot more sense to us now, which is that all of those unemployed people, who still haven't found new jobs, within the field of their expertise, are starting to run out of time. The government won't keep extending their unemployment benefits forever, because soon the piggy bank is going to start to run dry, and then what? Oh wait, I know what the jobless people can do, they can join the military, which the military is making a lot easier for them to do, because the recruiters have been showing up at local job fairs, offering benefits, and a sign up bonus, which probably seems much better, than waiting around and trying to find a new job, which may or may not include, benefits and a decent pay check. The catch is that you could end up in a body bag, or worse yet, live through it and be disabled for the rest of your life, with minimal care and benefits. Remember one thing, before you sign on the dotted line, once you sign, the government owns you. So if you are against vaccines and questionable military inoculations, you will still be required to take them, whether you like it or not. I know, because I have already been there, and done that.
I would like to add that the military has already reached its recruitment levels, and then some, for this year, so there is no longer a pressing need for a military draft, for the time being.
The videos that I have included are very educational. I hope that you will take the time to view them, although you should view them with caution, because the truth can hurt.

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