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Friday, October 23, 2009

Are They Really Using The Dow As An Indicator that The Recession Is Over?? ... Really???

I felt the need to address this issue, because people, who aren't aware, need to know that Wall Street earnings are not, I repeat, are not, connected to Main Street earnings, especially since the government gave Wall Street bail out money which came from the tax payers, so now, isn't it more apparent that the stock market, can not be a free market, because it is being pumped up to an artificial high, with some of that bail out money?

So, what does all of this mean for us? It means that the recession is not starting to recover, like they want you to believe, with what Mr. Bernanke's latest assessment was, about the current economy, which of course, is the total opposite of, what is really going on.

With that said, If the tax payers, weren't forced to bail out Wall Street, the market would have already corrected itself, and the Dow would be closer to 7500, instead of hovering around the 10,000 mark now.

Well, guess what people, there Will be another correction (crash), of the Dow, between now and the end of November, or early December. There is talk, in the White house, about yet, another bail out, so what do you think, will happen with that? We shall see, we shall see. And all of the tax paying people, of America yell, "NO! NO! NO! WE CAN'T TAKE IT NO MORE!!!

I urge people to take the time to do some research, about anything and everything, that seems a bit off, which means that whatever it is, it was probably being manipulated, by some unseen force, and the numbers, just aren't adding up for you, in real time.

The fact that the dollar, will no longer be accepted, to pay for oil from over seas, is an indicator, that the dollar, is on its way to an inevitable collapse. What does that mean for all of us? It means that we will keep getting poorer and poorer, as time goes by, which some are saying, will lead to a revolutionary change, sometime in the near future.

I included three videos for you to watch, which I found to be very informative, and eye opening.

My question is, "What do, we the people, need to do, to be heard, by the people in government positions, who are suppose to be there to represent us?" Your suggestions are welcome here.

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