Over the years, doctors and hospitals, have been touted, as being pushers of Tylenol/acetaminophen pain relievers. I used children's Tylenol for my children, because my family doctor recommended it, for when my sons got higher than normal fevers.
Well, if you think about it, most people trust their family doctors, and if the hospitals are dispensing it, then we tend to think that, it must be safe, which is not true, because there is a very bad side effect, especially if you take prescription drugs, like Vicoden or Percoset, which have the same pain reliever, as Tylenol does, which is, acetaminophen.
Problems start to happen, when an individual takes some other medicine, with any of those pain killers, like for instance cough syrups, which more than likely have acetaminophen, as one of its ingredients. Most people don't realize how deadly this ingredient really can be. It turns out that acetaminophen attacks the liver, and we all know, that we can not live, without a liver.
Another mistake that some people make, is that they drink an alcoholic beverage or two, which also attacks the liver, when they already have acetaminophen, in their system.
So, now that the people, who were lucky enough to read this, are more aware of how deadly Tylenol can really be, if they take more than the recommended dose, I hope that they, will become more vigilante, when it comes to reading the directions on the box, and following them to a tee, because if you think that it will work better for your pain, if you take an extra pill, then you also better be prepared, for taking a ride to the emergency room, in the back of an ambulance. Keeping in mind that the out come, may end up being grim.
I included 2 videos, because the first video, is about a 19 year old girl, who overdosed from taking more than the recommended amount of Tylenol, for a tooth ache, and the second video has very important information, which could help to save your life, by helping to prevent an unwanted overdose.
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