Recently, I came across information, about the Photon Belt, which to my surprise, was first discovered in 1961, the year that I was born.
"What is a Photon Belt", you ask. Well, a Photon Belt, is an intense field of photon (light energy) radiation.
Why should we be concerned at all, about this Photon Belt? Well, for one thing, as the earth gets closer to this Photon Belt, the weather will start to become more and more intense, which will then cause a lot more people to lose their place of residence, and most of their possessions, and in some cases, they will lose a loved one, which includes pets.
We are now in the early stages of entering into a galaxy, where this photon belt already exists. Click on this link, (if you dare), to find out what is being predicted, about what they think will happen to some of us, once the earth arrives into this Photon Belt, and becomes part of the Galactic alignment, which is predicted to take place on Dec. 21st, or 22nd, 2012.
"So", you ask, "Why haven't we heard about this, on the main stream (propaganda) news?" Well, it could be, that the government doesn't want most of us to find out about it, because they don't want us to start to panic, which may then cause us to become non productive, in the work place, therefore, we would not be giving the gov't, our hard earned tax money anymore, or it could possibly be, because they know that there is nothing they can do, to keep it from happening, and because they think that there are to many people on this earth, to try to save, they are only going to allow a certain amount of, so called important people of the world, to go to the already built, D.U.M.B.S (Deep Underground Military Bases), which they hope, will somehow save them from this imminent disaster, which would then leave most of us on our own, to try to survive on the surface, which as I understand it, would be nearly impossible, because of intense radiation.
I know, this is some serious sh*t people, and since I feel that I was born for the purpose of getting the word out to the people, who are being deliberately, left in the dark, so to speak, I urge you to open your mind to this information, which I am giving to you, here and now, before it is to late for you to work out some kind of survival plan.
I had discussed these D.U.M.B.S, in an earlier blog. In case you missed it, I encourage you to take the time to learn about them, just to familiarize yourself with them.
Personally, I am considering, following the light into a different dimension, which I am hoping, will be a lot cooler (not talking about temperature here), than the dimension, which we are currently living in now. Now, before you start thinking about me, as being a foil hat person, you should finish reading about this topic, and check out the link and the videos, and you should also do your own research on this subject, to form your own conclusion.
What will you do, if all of this is true? Will you follow me into another dimension, or will you choose to stay in this dimension, and hope that the gov't/military, sends a bus to pick you up, to take you to live with them, in an underground base, if that is where they are really going to take you, after you get on that bus. Did I hear someone say FEMA(cough) Camps (cough)!!!
With that said, I hope that you will take the time, to watch these two videos, about the Photon Belt. Very interesting stuff, indeed.
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