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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Silencing Of The Tongues

When we are born we are given the ability to have free will, but as we begin to grow up and become adults our free will is gradually taken away from us.

You may be wondering why I would be saying that kind of thing. Well, lets begin by looking at the way that we are expected to raise our children.

Depending on which country that we are born and raised in we are schooled in such a way where our free will is stifled to the point where unless we follow along with their behavior modification agenda we are considered to be strange and different and sometimes we are separated from the others who choose to blindly follow their leaders, without batting an eye, like they are agreeable robots.

Before there were magazines, radio, and Television to help to guide our parents and their parents with how to raise an obedient child there was the bible, with its ten commandments, and other religious books which other countries read instead of the bible.

These religious books were originally written to fool the people into following an agenda that was put into place by men who like to be in control of the people on this Earth, who aren't one of them, when they have no right to control anyone.

With that said, we must take charge of our own destiny and do what is best for ourselves, without being afraid to speak out when we feel like we are being oppressed.

If we continue to walk around blindly and accepting things the way that they are today then we should not be surprised when all hell breaks loose and we are led like sheep to a slaughter.

I am including three videos for you to view.

I am also including three links for you to check out.

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