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Monday, November 7, 2011

The Hidden Agenda Of The People Who Strive To Rule The World

When I was growing up I lived at a poverty level that challenged my very existence to the point where most people would have chosen the (so called) easy way out (death).

I chose to learn how to survive a certain death by starvation while I was still a child, when I still had a great imagination, before my imagination decided to hide itself from me.

I was somehow able to instinctively find ways to stay alive, with the help of my close friends, regardless of the many obstacles which threatened my existence on a daily basis, especially during the summer months, when I no longer received free food from the school that I had attended.

As a child I could not understand why I was born on an Earth that would permit such an atrocity toward mankind. I could not believe that their were people who had more than they needed while others (like me) were on the borderline of starvation.

As an adult I decided to find out why there was such a big gap between those who have too much and those who have very little, and I discovered that this was being done on purpose, so that a handful of people, who have too much, could keep taking from and not giving to those who needed it most, without even caring about what kind of affect that this kind of behavior was having on those people who were unable to maintain a decent life for themselves and their families.

The further that my research took me the more that I felt the need to inform those of you who have not been able to see the evils lurking within those who strive to rule the world, so that you won't be surprised when you start noticing that even the middle class is now being punished by them. This is being done, so that the middle class will eventually lose everything that they worked for.

The theft of the middle class is starting to happen at a faster pace, while the rest of the middle class, who haven't been affected by them yet, choose to remain oblivious to it for reasons that I can not understand.

The remaining middle class needs to pay more attention to what the Elite ruling class are striving toward which is to bring an end to the middle class. This could happen if the middle class continues to choose to stand by and do nothing to try to stop it from happening to themselves.

With that said, we must learn to stand up against these people who strive to rule the world, and who continue to treat us like we are slaves to more of their evil agendas, which are geared toward ridding the world of anyone, who isn't part of the ruling elite.

I am including a two part video for you to view.

I am also including three links for you to check out.

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