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Friday, October 28, 2011

The Battle Against The Greedy 1% Billionaires Continues ...

Even in this day and age we are constantly struggling with the questions, "What are truths, and What are lies?", when it comes to protecting our souls from being deceived, because we are constantly learning many things on the world wide web which then takes us on a fact finding mission to find truths amidst the lies.

The massive amount of information that we have at our fingertips gives us the ability to discover what has been happening to the original plan which consisted of living peacefully with our fellowman and learning how to survive by growing our own gardens and making our own clothes.

We have allowed ourselves to be brainwashed into thinking that the only way that we can survive is to be forced to become a work slave, so that we can buy food from a Corporate owned Grocery store, and to buy our clothing from a Corporate owned Retail store.

When the Rothschilds privately owned Federal Reserve banks were put into place in different countries, which includes the U.S. and Israel, they began to control the flow of money. They did this by manipulating countries into sending much of their earnings to this elite family line.

The Rothschilds are part of the 1% billionaires and they care nothing about what happens to the 99% non billionaires as they continue to fleece them for their hard earned money and retirement savings.

The greedy trickery that the 1% billionaires have done to many prosperous countries must come to an end before there is nothing left on this planet that has not been compromised by the elite, including food and water, which is needed for our survival.

We must all make it our priority to become more educated, when it comes to the evil intentions of the greedy 1% billionaires, who actually think that they own this planet and all that is on it, including the people, who are the 99%.

I have witnessed in my life time many commentators who are either paid to report negativity or who are some what ignorant when it comes to the true nature of the current monetary system that was put into place by the very people who hold most of the wealth in the world.

It saddens me that many people still have trouble seeing the forest through the trees. I have never been comfortable with the way that a handful of 1% billionaires were able to pull their greedy tricks on the unsuspecting less fortunate people who work hard for their money without any repercussions, which made the 99% (non billionaires) think that there was nothing they could do about these unjust acts.

Now that the Occupy protests have begun to grow and continue to spread across the globe, I firmly believe that we, the 99%, have finally realized that we have had enough of these unlawful greedy 1% billionaires.

Americans and the 99% around the globe must not sit back and take the 1% greedy billionaires manipulative tactics anymore because they will never stop unless we literally force them to stop.

I am including six videos for you to view. The first three videos have important information for those of you who may be unaware of what is behind the greediness of the 1% billionaires.

I am also including two links for you to check out.

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