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Thursday, October 13, 2011

The 1% Billionaire Bankers Fooled The 99% Into Believing In A Debt Loaded Ponzi Scheme

There are many reasons why the 99% are becoming more and more fed up with the way that we are forced to live. How did we allow this to happen without knowing that what the 1% Billionaires came up with was a bank loan ponzi scheme.

The bankers knew that they would become rich from the 99% population by using their money for other peoples loans. They did it so well that many people did not catch on to what the bankers were really doing with other peoples money and assets.

The banker did not use his own money to gain his wealth. The banker used his banking customers money instead.

If we take a moment to look at our currency we will see many tell tale signs on the paper money and on the coins that, what we hold in our hand, is a form of debt.

If people would suddenly lose faith in the banking system and the value of money, then the banking system would collapse. This has already begun to happen.

There are other ways in which we could handle the money that we receive for our services. We don't need to deal with a bank that will use our money as a way to gain more wealth for themselves, but instead we should look for tangible ways to gain wealth for ourselves by not trusting banks to handle our money.

Credit Unions are a good way to save our money without having to worry about 1% billionaire bankers using our money to gamble with, instead of making more money for the people who deposited their money in the bank to begin with.

If we allow the current monetary system to remain as it is, then we will witness a very painful economic collapse, much worse than what we experienced in 2007-08.

I am including two videos for you to view that will hopefully shine more light on to what is wrong with the way that money is created out of thin air, and also why it is not a good idea to keep doing that.

This second video gives us an idea as to why the 1% billionaires need us to use their banks.

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