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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

When A State Votes To Legalize Marijuana, Shouldn't That State Be Exempt From The DEA?

First of all, I would like to begin by saying that I felt the need to write about this topic, because I think that it is wrong for the DEA to keep interfering with states, which have legalized medical Marijuana.
The DEA should stop focusing their War on drugs, toward a medicinal plant, which doesn't cause any harm to the user, or the people, who are around the user. Marijuana is good for controlling stress, and pain, and helps to give chemo cancer patients an appetite, so that they don't lose too much weight during treatments. It is a natural sleep aid for insomniacs. It also seems to slow down the aging process, which is probably connected to the lowering of stress levels. There has also been recent evidence, which suggests that Marijuana helps to prevent certain types of cancer.
The fact that the Government had the audacity to categorize Marijuana, with chemical man made drugs, is totally outrageous, because unlike Marijuana, those other drugs CAN kill you, and cause you to do harm, to those around you.
If the DEA keeps refusing to back off from raiding the Medical Marijuana dispensers, even when President Obama, told them to back off, then one has to wonder; "Who is really behind the agenda of the DEA?" Which brings me to think that the DEA has been brain washed, by the pharmaceutical companies negative propaganda, which is used against the Marijuana healing plant, so that it won't be a bigger threat to their profits, which means more to them than, what their chemical experimental drugs, are doing to the unknowing people, who have been brain washed to believe that these pills are safe for them, as long as they follow the directions, on the pill bottle.
Please take the time to view this short video, which made me wonder; "What good is voting for something, if it doesn't really count in the end?"


  1. is this an endorsement for legalizing your own stash

  2. Research Dupont and Hemp and you'll find the real reason it was banned years ago. Once again, it's about big corporations, greed and control.

  3. You ask if this is an endorsement for legalizing my own stash, the answer would be no. This is an endorsement for the right of a state to be in control of its own laws, which have been voted for, by the people of that state.
