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Sunday, May 8, 2011

The State Of Florida Is Still Struggling Toward Recovery. How Is Your State Doing?

The state of Florida has not been able to recover from the recession as quickly as some other states have done.

There are at least one million unemployed Floridians who are still having a hard time finding a new full time job because there aren't enough new full time jobs being created for it to make a difference.

The other indicator of a slower recovery is that the growth of wages are at their lowest since the great depression.

Many unemployed people who are lucky enough to snag a job after they had been laid off for a while are taking a huge pay cut.

The 4 part video that I am including gives you an idea about what has been going on around the world since the 2008-09 economic collapse.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

The next two videos I am including will give you a reality check about the real unemployment situation.

I am also including two links for you to check out.,0,6750303.story

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