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Monday, April 25, 2011

Ut Oh ... There Is More Bad News About High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)

And here we are again trying to get all the facts out there about the health dangers that a person will experience when they ingest High Fructose Corn Syrup.

It is important that we know these things, so that we can make better healthier choices, instead of knowingly or unknowingly drinking beverages and eating foods that use to have real sugar in them, but are now being made with HFCS instead of sugar because it is cheaper to use, even though it is unhealthy for humans to consume.

The reason that obesity levels are on the rise is because HFCS blocks the brain, so that it doesn't know if we ate enough food for us to feel full.

HFCS also slows down our calorie burning process, which makes it easier to pack on the pounds, so that it will be harder for us to lose weight.

For further information about the other dangers of HFCS I will be including a link for you to check out which touches upon hidden Mercury that contaminates the HFCS during the processing phase.

I urge you to read the food and drink labels, so that you can avoid purchasing anything that lists HFCS in its ingredients.

I am also including a video for you to view which will hopefully open your eyes even further to the truth about HFCS.

I repeat ... Please be sure to read all ingredient labels before you purchase any food product because it could ultimately prolong you life.

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