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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Flouride, Lithium, Uranium In The Drinking Water. When Will The Madness End?

The most profound thing has been done to something that humans and animals require to live. The drinking water has been compromised because it is purposely being poisoned with chemicals, which are definitely not healthy for our bodies.
The first video talks about lithium in the drinking water.

These next three videos are from Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy theories series, which looks into the unsavory practices of water treatment plants in America.
Did you know that the companies, which own these water treatment facilities, aren't even American owned companies?
I urge you to take the time to watch these videos.

I don't know about you, but I have a hard time drinking water from my faucet, and even though I feel like that, I will never drink bottled water, because it isn't regulated like residential water is.

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