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Friday, November 12, 2010

No Matter What They Tell You, Don't Eat The Shrimp From The Gulf Of Mexico !!!

If you are a shrimp lover, then you definitely need to read this. The reason that I say this is because I recently discovered important information, about the shrimp from the Gulf of Mexico.
Before I go any further, I need to say that I am very disappointed with the government's decision to tell the people that shrimp from the Gulf is safe to eat. The reason that I say this is because of the way that the gov't had it tested. They did not include the shell or the vein of the shrimp, and that is the way it is usually cooked. Luckily, the shrimp did get independently tested, and the result of the test, does tell us a different story. It tells us that we should not eat shrimp from the Gulf.
I am including a video, which talks about the testing of the shrimp, and also shows the test results.

I am also including this link to give you more information.

What are your thoughts about the government and the media telling us that the oily shrimp, in the Gulf of Mexico, is safe to eat?

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