I have a question for you, "What will you do if the electrical grid gets taken out by solar flares?"
Will you bitch because you can't use your lap top and cell phone, or watch digital TV?
Will you know what to do if you can't use anything that requires electricity? Do you own a generator? Do you own a wind up or battery operated AM/FM radio? I would hope that you at least own candles and flashlights.
I feel a sadness for the people, who aren't prepared for a power outage that could last weeks or even months, until it can be repaired again. I think that those people don't realize how dependent they have become, with their usage of electricity.
If you care at all about any kind of survival, just in case something like this would happen to you and your family, a good way for people to learn how to survive is to learn more about how Amish people live from day to day, without the use of electricity.
The video that I have chosen has to do with solar flares that would take out the electrical grid if one of those solar flares travels toward the earth.
Are you prepared for a sudden power outage that could possibly last for months?
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