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Monday, June 7, 2010

Corexit 9500 Dispersant Is Killing Life In The Gulf Of Mexico

I am afraid what we have here is either negligence or something that is being done on purpose. I say this because I recently came across some very disturbing information. Apparently there is more to the dispersant known as Corexit 9500, than meets the eye.

Toxicity and Alternative (source: wikipedia)

The safety data sheet states “The potential human hazard is: High.”

According to the Alaska Community Action on Toxics, the use of Corexit during the Exxon Valdez oil spill caused "respiratory, nervous system, liver, kidney and blood disorders" in people.[7] According to the EPA, Corexit is more toxic than dispersants made by several competitors and less effective in handling southern Louisiana crude.[11] However, the oil from Deepwater Horizon is not believed to be typical Louisiana crude.

Reportedly Corexit is toxic to marine life and helps keep spilled oil submerged. The quantities used in the Gulf will create 'unprecedented underwater damage to organisms.'[12] 9527A is also hazardous for humans: 'May cause injury to red blood cells (hemolysis), kidney or the liver'.[13]

Alternative dispersants which are approved by the EPA are listed on the National Contingency Plan Product Schedule[14] and rated for their toxicity and effectiveness.[15]

I do believe that we, who live on the east coast of south Florida, will eventually be affected by, what they are now calling, the worst man-made environmental disaster in the world.
People who are cleaning up the oil spill are now suffering from health problems due to the toxic fumes from the crude oil, and the Corexit 9500 toxic dispersant, which is still being sprayed on the surface of the oil spill, and also 5,000 feet below the surface, where the oil spill has unfortunately been made worse, after yet another futile attempt, to try to stop the oil, this time by trying to put a cap over the gushing oil.
This is particularly disturbing because the E.P.A. (Environmental Protection Agency) had told B.P. to use a less toxic, more effective dispersant, as soon as they realized that B.P. was using a more toxic, less effective dispersant.
These videos are very informative and eye opening.
Even if you don't live as close to the oil spill as I do, I hope that you will take the time to view them.

Do you think that B.P. and The U.S. government is doing enough with controlling and cleaning up the Gulf oil spill?


  1. Maybe the one good thing that will come from this whole mess is that the US and other world powers will wake to the fact the big business does not give one toss for the world and the people in it and maybe, just maybe we might start to limit the powers that these cockroaches of companies have over the world.

  2. I couldn't have said that better myself. I am very much against corporations and the government being in bed together. The result of that intimate relationship is that, when it comes to the safety of all life on earth, it just doesn't seem to matter enough to them to care, and they are also willing to destroy their own lives and their own families, all for the almighty dollar, which by the way, is dying a slow death.
    This is just one example of how stupid choices turn out to be the beginning of the end for everyone, even those who think they will survive underground, after the earth starts shaking us off like fleas, will not survive because their bad karma, will not be rewarded.

  3. August 20. I believe that you are quite correct, and now, at this point, we are seeing signs of this. There is oil on the beaches if you are vigilant enough to see it, and people on the east central coast are getting sick. Headaches since the beginning of July abound, now respiratory distress, wheezing, congestion, eyes burning, rashes. This is a bad sign. Not everyone is ill as yet, mostly vulnerable people, like the elderly and young. Doctors have no idea what is going on, because they have no experience with chemical injury.

    Your prediction is coming true, thanks for having the courage to make it!!
