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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Investors Should Stop Investing In A Market That Is Purposely manipulated By A Handful Of Billionaires

With everything that has been going on with the economy, because of what Goldman Sachs and the Federal Reserve (Private bank) did, which eventually collapsed the housing market, and caused millions of job losses, now is not the time to play the stock market.
Now that Greece is heading for a debt default, what do you think will happen to the people of Greece, who have their money tied up in investments? There is a familiar pattern happening around the globe. Do you see it too, or are you still believing in a system that is broke? Literally broke!!!
What ever you do, you must never forget, especially if you have money invested in a 401k plan, that the stock market is, yet again, artificially high, and what that means my friends, is that there will be another correction, and you know what will happen, when the next correction comes, to your investment savings, so GET OUT, or better yet, STAY OUT OF THE STOCK MARKET.
If you choose not to heed my warning, then so be it, but if you are smarter than that, and you do heed my warning, then you will be one step ahead of the rest, who decide to die a slow financial death.
According to this video there will be some kind of a correction, which means that you will lose yet again.

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