Gone are the days where you could be just about anything you wanted to be, when you finally became an adult. Now, you will be lucky to find the job of your dreams, when you finish college, not to mention the looming debt from student loans, which will need to be paid, with or without your dream job salary, unless you were lucky enough to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth.
The definition of Corporatism is as follow: It is a system of economical, political, or social organization where corporate groups such as business, ethnic, farmer, labor, military, patronage, scientific, or religious groups are joined together into a single governing body in which the different groups are mandated to negotiate with each other to establish policies in the interest within the body. (Source: Wikipedia). Health care reform, is one example, which included Doctors and Insurance Companies to be a part of the Health care reform discussions.
It is a known fact that corporations are controlling the United States government by paying big sums of money to members of congress, who are not in it to do the right thing for the people, whom they are suppose to be representing. Those corporations send lobbyists to lobby for whatever is in the best interest of their company. It is so bad now, it's like the people have no voice.
One thing that I would like to say before I finish this blog is that if it keeps going in the direction it has been going in, we will be doomed. Democracy will disappear completely.
I hope that you will take the time to view these videos because they will open your eyes to things that you otherwise might not see if you don't know where to look.
Do you think that Corporatism is good or bad for a country?
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