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Monday, September 7, 2009

Is The FDA Really Looking Out For Us?

There are two drugs on the market, which help people to quit smoking. These drugs were approved by the FDA, in 2006. Now the FDA, is requiring the drug manufacturers to include on the label, that these drugs can cause mood changes, depression, and suicidal thoughts. The names of these drugs are, Chantix and Zyban.
Now, you have to ask yourself, why these two drugs, were considered to be safe enough, for the FDA to approve them, in the first place, when clearly the side effects are questionable.
I think that these two drugs should be pulled off of the market, as soon as possible, and this is coming from someone, who successfully quit smoking, back in the mid 80's, without the aid of drugs, and I haven't had the urge to smoke again, since that day. I know that I was one of the lucky ones, who probably would have been living in an iron lung by now, if I wouldn't have quit smoking, back when I did. I say that, because I was smoking up to, 2 packs a day, when I was in my early 20's. No Joke!!
Please take the time to watch these videos, especially if you are a smoker. I think you will agree, that people should avoid taking these pills.

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