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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Who is WHO?

Just in case you don't already know, the letters WHO stand for World Health Organization. WHO sets the alert level for out breaks of new strains of influenza flu virus's. The new virus, which they have named the swine flu, doesn't have a vaccine for it.
The interesting thing about this particular flu virus is that it contains 3 different strains, which are, avian (bird), swine (pig), and Spanish (human). So, my question is, " how can this be?" This particular flu virus could not have happened by itself. Think about it, a human, a pig and a bird virus all mutating into one mighty flu virus on its own, which supposedly started with a 4 year old Mexican boy, who didn't even live near a pig farm.
WHO has set the pandemic alert to level 5. What does a level 5 mean for the population? It indicates the there is a sustained human to human transmission in communities, which are in different geological locations.
WHO has the authority from the UN (united nations), to up the alert level to a level 6, if the swine flu infects a larger portion of the population in any of those countries, which are already dealing with the virus.
Officials are cautioning that this particular flu virus may mutate and return during the fall flu season with more severe consequences, and of course you know what that means, more DEATHS !!!
What ever you do, when that time comes, SAY NO TO THE VACCINE, that they offer to you. Think about it, do you really want to have them inject you with a vaccine that will contain those live virus's? I, for one, am not going to take the flu shots, yes I said shots, a series of 3 to be exact.
Some people say that this is the beginning of a depopulation plan, because this said flu virus was made in a laboratory, but I am kind of iffy on that explanation, although I had recently read an article or two, which said that the U.S. military has been known to test bio weapons on their unsuspecting soldiers through vaccinations, and a lot of the soldiers have gotten very sick and some have even died. With that said, I probably had received vaccines, which probably contained some questionable ingredients, when I was in the military back in the early 80's, but that was years ago, and I survived, so I am thinking that I was one of the lucky ones, who was vaccinated with a placebo.
This latest flu cocktail of swines, birds and humans, was a horrible creation, and should not have been let out of the lab.
I am hoping that my immune system is stronger now, because of the healthier life style that I started living since 2005.
As a special treat, I have added for your viewing pleasure, not one, but three videos.

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